LOL PARCH 12.9: World Skins, Mini

Riot Games has just made all the changes that will arrive in patch 12.9 of League of Legends this same morning. It is a version loaded with adjustments, and that not only stop at the playable plane, since it will be the version in which the challenges terrify.

While this patch offers very interesting changes to ** many quite strong champions in the metajeue Riot has been preparing for several weeks to be able to see them again in the invoker's crack. Taliyah's may be the most relevant of all of them.

In turn, it is possible to emphasize the arrival of the Skins of the World Cup winners, Edg, as well as a new remittance of only in danger, one of the most successful series of always in League of Legends.

Summary of the patch

PATCH 12.9 TIER LIST: All Buffs & Nerfs + Skins - League of Legends Champions changes

Improvements: * Hecarim, Renekton, Varus, Braum and Thresh Nerfs: Rengar, Master Yi, Nidalee, Ahri, Renata Glasc and Zion Settings: Olaf, Taliyah and Pyke

Changes to objects

* NERFS: Rompecascos


Worlds edg: * Zoe, Graves, Viego, Yuumi and Aphelia Only in danger: * Talon, Varus, Leona, Mordekaiser and Katarina

Changes to systems:

  • Arrival of the challenges

Champions changes

Olaf Minirework

As we were informed several weeks ago, Olaf received several unique changes to his skills to increase his power inside the invoker's crack. However, they had to add a couple of arrangements because he was absurdly broken.

Changes to the pinks

One of the key objects in the game of lateral lines will undergo important changes.

Taliyah Minirework

On the other hand we have the weaver of Piedras, who has been missing in the game and that Riot has given a push in the form of improvement to dominate the central lane and move away from the jungle.

Skins Edg

As world champions, it is time to recognize the victory of the LPL team with these cool aspects.

Skins only in danger

One of the most successful series, with hits such as the aspects of Yasuo, Ashe or Senna, receive new skins.


Not only will they focus on people who play only Rankeds, but Aram fans, colleagues who come together to play CLAM or even cosmetics collectors will also benefit.


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