Football: Kasim Edgebali continues drama career

Only supplying, now janitor: Karim Eyeball of the Hamburg Sea Devils from the European League of Football continues his acting career and can be seen from the end of the month in the second season of the comedy series Food Balls. It starts on the 27th of November.

Football: Kasim Edebali nach seiner Ankunft am Flughafen Hamburg zu seinem Outfit und der ELF-Saison

The first season has been well-received, the 20 episodes were retrieved three million times on the different platforms, ​​said Executive Producer Christiana Hertz from the Muncher Produktionsfirma all-in-Production.

The former NFL Professional Eyeball had been giant fun and is thankful that I was allowed to show other pages of me in the role. I can only give all the tip to pull the series.

The five new episodes initially run exclusively for all customers with a Season Pass on the OUT platform of the eleven. Afterwards you will also be published with YouTube, More Than Hamburg Seas TV, RAN.DE and the Social Media Channels of the League.

In Season One Eyeball had provoked celebrities as a supplier with food, this time he works as a caretaker in Europe's largest gaming house Arcadia in Hamburg.


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